Thursday, August 15, 2013

A groupby example in Linq

This is an example of applying a group by on a Name object. I started off grouping by just first name, and decided to add Age and do a group by using multiple fields.

class Name {
 public string FirstName;
 public string LastName;
 public int Age;
void Main()
 var names = new List{ new Name{ FirstName="Joe", LastName="A", Age=11}, new Name{ FirstName="Joe", LastName="B", Age=11}
  , new Name{ FirstName="Timmy", LastName="Pumpurdink"}, new Name{ FirstName="Timmy", LastName="Doheenee"},  new Name{ FirstName="Timmy", LastName="Doheenee", Age=1}
  var grouped = names.GroupBy (n => new {n.FirstName, n.Age}).Select (n => new {Key=n.Key, Count=n.Count(), LastNames=string.Join(", ", n.AsEnumerable().OrderBy (x => x.LastName).Select (x => x.LastName).ToList())}).Dump();

Here's the result:

Friday, August 09, 2013

As I Grew Older

It was a long time ago.
I have almost forgotten my dream.
But it was there then,
In front of me,
Bright like a sun-

read full poem by Langston Hughes here...

Make linqpad show sql print statement in the console by doing this

Throw this baby on the top of your linqpad code and enjoy print goodness.

((System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)this.Connection).InfoMessage += (object obj, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e)=>{
    if (e.Message.Length < 200)  string.Format("    TSQL PRINT: {0}", e.Message).Dump();
