Friday, September 03, 2010

String.Format Equivalent for VBA

This is an implementation of the String.Format function in C# for use in VBA.  It allows you to pass in upto 5 arguments, but you could extend it to support as many as you need. 

Function StringFormat(str As String, Optional arg0, _
    Optional arg1, Optional arg2, Optional arg3, _
    Optional arg4, Optional arg5) As String
    Frmat = str
    Dim replaceStr As String
    Dim I As Integer
    I = 0
    While InStr(str, "{" & I & "}")
        Select Case I
            Case 0
                replaceStr = Nz(arg0, "")
            Case 1
                replaceStr = Nz(arg1, "")
            Case 2
                replaceStr = Nz(arg2, "")
            Case 3
                replaceStr = Nz(arg3, "")
            Case 4
                replaceStr = Nz(arg4, "")
            Case 5
                replaceStr = Nz(arg5, "")
            Case Else
                replaceStr = ""
        End Select
        Frmat = Replace(Frmat, "{" & I & "}", replaceStr)
        I = I + 1
    StringFormat = Frmat
End Function
Here is an example of how to use this fuction:
MsgBox StringFormat("{0} Big {1}", "Hello", "World")
The resulting output is: "Hello Big World"


Mentalbug said...

Thanks, this was useful :)

On a quick note, this will work in Excel vba with a quick change:

Nz(arg0, "") --> IIf(IsNull(arg0), "", arg0)
(for each argument, obviously)

And at the end of the function, I think you're missing one little line:

StringFormat = Frmat

Cheers ;)

Paradigm said...

thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you found it useful.

Oscar said...
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Oscar said...

Hi all.

An improved version with unlimited arguments:

Function StringFormat(source As String, ParamArray Args() As Variant) As String
Dim formatted As String
Dim assigned As String
Dim value As String
Dim index As Integer
' Initialize.
formatted = source
index = 0
' Assign Values.
While InStr(source, "{" & index & "}")
value = Args(index)
assigned = IIf(IsNull(value), "", value)
formatted = Replace(formatted, "{" & index & "}", assigned)
index = index + 1
StringFormat = formatted
End Function